The Porcelain Chicken
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Psalms 23:3
Our church decorated for the Christmas season not too long ago. Wreaths were hung, the tree was decorated, and candles placed in the windows. As you enter the fellowship hall, a small nativity scene sits on a table next to the window. It’s pretty easy to miss, but I noticed it one evening while gathering for fellowship. As others wrapped Christmas gifts for kids in the community, I took a good look at the small porcelain figures that made up the nativity scene. You had your standard characters: shepherds, sheep, donkeys, Mary, Joseph, and of course, baby Jesus in the manger. One figure that I’ve never seen in a nativity, however, was also present. In the front was a pair of porcelain chickens. The two chickens shared the same base, but one had cracked and fallen off. The chicken lay there on its side, while the other figures turned in toward the center of the manger scene. I picked them up and took them in the church office, where I tried my best to glue the two back together. The next night, I checked and sure enough the glue had held, so I returned the pair back to the manger scene. So, what’s the point? Restoration.
Restore: bring back; return to a former condition, place, or position; to repair
Those porcelain chickens hadn’t always been broken. I don’t know how they got broken, but they were clearly and visibly broken. There was a point in my life where I hadn’t always been broken, but I was at that moment. I was broken hearted that I had sin in my life. I was broken spirited that I knew I was separated from God. I was broken by the fact that I was lost in my sins and in need of a Savior. Thank God that He puts us in the right place at the right time. Someone placed those chickens out, as if to say ‘Hey! These are in need of repair. Could someone help?’. God placed me where I heard the gospel of His precious Son Jesus. God placed me in a good family that served the Lord. God placed me right where He needed me to be in order to restore me. Just like someone placed that pair of chickens out at Christmas time, I needed to be placed at the feet of the one that we recognize as being born on Christmas Day – Jesus. I’m so glad that there is a place for a broken people to be placed where Jesus does the restoring.
To restore means to return to a former condition, to repair, or to bring back. Jesus did all of those things for me the moment that I asked Him into my heart, that moment when He saved my soul. He restored my fellowship with the Lord. Previously, I had been separated from God due to the sin in my heart (just like the chickens were separated from their base), but Jesus restored my heart. He took His marvelous saving grace and repaired the cracks of my life, restored my soul, brought me back from that spiritual death that sin had caused in my life. All it took for those chickens to be restored was being in the right place, at the right time, and a few drops of glue. All it took for me to be restored was coming to the knowledge of my need for a Savior, knowing that the time was right (when you know, you know!), and asking Jesus to save me. He has sealed us with His Spirit, restored us with His grace, and given us His wonderful great love. Let’s praise Him today for the daily reminders that He gives of His marvelous grace.